Graphic Design
Podcast Logo
One of my most recent projects, I developed this logo for a client who was starting a podcast. He gave me a summary of what the show was going to be about and the name: The Orange Line Podcast.
I started by filling a page with as many ideas as I could by branching off of the "orange" and "line" themes. At one point I considered a tiger, since they're orange and line-y. From my page of ideas, I picked out the best 16 and sketched them out in color. I sent these to the client for his top 3 favorites and feedback. I took the top ideas and created them digitally with a few variations of each, and then asked for feedback that narrowed the logo down to the final idea. From there, I experimented with the font, shapes, and colors before submitting my final design.
Christmas Tree Guide
For a graphic design project to teach our classmates something we knew, I chose to use my newly acquired field botany knowledge to help them select the right species for their live Christmas tree.
There isn't a correct answer because it's about personal preference, but this guide shows how the most important traits stack up against other tree species.
The color scheme was inspired by a certain popular coffee shop chain.
NYC Taxi Cab Comparison
The creative assignment from a data analytics course, I found a dataset from the New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission.
What's the difference between the colors? "Green or 'Boro Cabs', cannot provide hail service to passengers below West 110th Street and East 96th Street, or at the two NYC airports." I originally expected the difference between the two to be more significant, but the data doesn't lie, the difference is minimal.
The toughest challenge on this project was calculating the average fare distances. The datasets provided GPS coordinates for each pickup and dropoff, but I had to find a way to get the distance of each trip without calculating them one by one.